05 de Nov 1982
The exhibition Agustín Lazo 1898-1971 was inaugurated in November of 1982 and its purpose was to show the painter, intimate by excellence, in his relationship with the theater in Mexico, contributing in the renovation of the show business. His figure was the cornerstone of a Mexican tradition of set design; he is the playwright who in his pieces reflects on Mexican history and, also, the essayist who studies the recondite language of the Coatlicue.
In the exhibition, his slow-paced painting is presented, which modesty hides a recondite arrogance. Agustín Lazo tests himself continuously and gives his best in paintings that swing between being nothing and being everything. Lazo leads to the Mexican ambiguity of the albur, to the uncertain, undefined fantasy of the corridos, to the supremely elegant delicacy of the country people, to the politeness of the villager, to the malicious rudeness of the craftsmen, to the faltering truths of the city man.